Saturday, November 19, 2011

Modern Warfare: Most hated game?

It's been greeted with critcal acclaim and, probably, record-breaking sales. So why do internet forums and comment sections despise Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 so much?
Modern Warfare 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ... why all the hatred?
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has attracted near-universal critical acclaim. It is a slick, well-constructed and generously proportioned instalment in one of the most revered military shooter franchises in history. There is just one problem. Everyone on the internet hates it.
Soon after the game's release on Tuesday, savage user reviews began to appear on score aggregation site, Metacritic. A flood of 0/10s outnumbered ecstatic 10s and considered 7s and 8s by a dramatic margin. Currently, for the Xbox 360 version of the title, the average user score for one of the biggest entertainment releases of the year stands at a wretched 3.0. On PC it's 1.7.
So what is happening?
The first point, of course, is that it's dangerous to think of these outbursts as being in anyway representative of the majority opinion. "On day one or two, you are going to get a vocal minority who take to the forums on Metacritic and use them as a soap box to vent their rage about the series," says Daniel Krupa, a writer at games site, IGN.
"Most of the millions of people who bought the game are actually playing it and enjoying it. A similar thing happened with Portal 2 back in April. It's one of the most critically appreciated games of the year, but on the day of release, people were on Metacritic criticising it for lots of reasons. Since then, the rating has risen and there's now parity between the critical and the user scores. I imagine something similar will happen with MW3 over time."
But for a moment, let's consider the objections being raised. Reading through the usually short, often apoplectic review comments on Metacritic, one argument is repeatedly put forward: Modern Warfare 3 is basically Modern Warfare 2 again; it is a map pack, adding nothing new or innovative to the series. One reasonably representative review states:
Don't believe the marketing hype, this is the same product rebundled let it die and show investors we're not interested in being sold the same product year after year, the cash cow needs to starve.
This represents an interesting reversal of the usual critic/public relationship. Often, it is the professional reviewer who despairs at the lack of originality in mainstream entertainment, while paying customers accept the formulaic in their droves. Let's face it, Hangover 2 is basically a map pack for the first movie, yet it grossed almost $140m in its opening weekend and at 5.7 its Metacritic user review average is higher than the critical metascore.
As human beings we enjoy systems and repetition – our brains actively seek them out; it is a survival instinct that has morphed into an unconscious entertainment preference. Hence, the vital role of the catchphrase in comedy; hence, the predictable conventions of our favourite horror flicks. The notion of the sequel is based on the usually accurate construct that we like to relive enjoyable experiences. Modern Warfare 3 gives us more of what we liked, because we generally like more of what we like.
Modern Warfare 3 But is this game just too similar to previous iterations? Certainly, there are a lot of familiar weapons, and a lot of perks and killstreak rewards that we've all seen before – yet similar criticisms could be levelled at the inventories of, say, Mass Effect 2 or Gears of War 2, and elements like the new strike packages do add a significant tactical thrust to the action.
Elsewhere, there are complaints that the campaign is based around the same old linear action and explosive set-pieces as its predecessors. But then, what did everyone think was going to happen?
"Nobody should go in there expecting My Little Pony or Animal Crossing," says PC Gamer editor Tim Edwards. "If you turn up for a big James Bond-style action sequence that lasts for five hours and a multiplayer game with perks in it, that's what you're going to get. That's fine – nobody can be disappointed that they bought the game and that's what's in it."
Jon Hicks, editor of the Official Xbox Magazine, makes the interesting point that we may be thinking about Call of Duty in the wrong way by comparing it to other action games such as Batman or Uncharted. As a vast annual franchise designed to appease millions of mainstream consumers, there are more relevant points of reference:
"I think ultimately Modern Warfare 3 should be ranked alongside Fifa and other sports games in as much as, it's better than last years, but it will deliver a very similar experience. People say they want innovation and change and difference, but in the same way that Fifa can't break out of the fact that it's a game of football, CoD is so successful now, it can't really break out of its model, it is constrained by its very form. If you consider it as a sports game it becomes more logical."

Friday, October 14, 2011

Youtube Channel

Hey everyone! I would love it if everyone would visit and suscribe to my youtube channel. I will be getting an hd pvr soon so I will be uploading xbox video gameplays and game reviews. Feel free to add my gamertag on xbox: catermak

Youtube channel:

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Dead space 2 is not the game for you if you dont like horror. First of all the game is scary. It takes place at a mining vessel. Though the sequel is set on a populated space station. In the early chapters you can find yourself in many settings. I found my self in an apartment, a shopping center and even a church. Dead Space 2 is an amazing game. I'm going to write about its scary moments, cool kills, and how much I dig the main character's internal struggle, but Dead Space 2 is about more than this. When I beat it for the first time, I sat on the couch with my heart racing and dissected the journey I had just taken. Then, I started my second playthrough, and when that was done, I jumped into a new game for the third time. Dead Space 2 is just that good.
It's been three years since the events of the first game, but protagonist Isaac Clarke still can't catch a break. At the beginning of Dead Space 2, he wakes on a space station known as the Sprawl and finds the place is overwhelmed by an outbreak of reanimated corpses called Necromorphs. From the very first moment of the game, Isaac's fighting for his life.
This is where you come in. As Isaac, you'll pick up your plasma cutter, don and engineering suit and take the fight to the beasts out to kill you. The overarching goal is to find and destroy the religious idol (known as the Marker) causing all of this, but the story that makes Dead Space 2 great is the internal war Isaac's fighting. Unlike Uncharted's Nathan Drake who can kill a few hundred pirates and never seem worn down by it, Isaac is totally ruined by the events of the original Dead Space. He saw things no man should have to during his time on the spaceship USG Ishimura, but it's the fact that Isaac's girlfriend died on the vessel after he encouraged her to work there that really haunts him.

Isaac's losing his mind in Dead Space 2. The guilt is tearing his very sanity apart. That's heavy stuff
and it makes for a really engaging story. Isaac doesn't let anyone else in on the fact that he's coming unglued, so as a player I get to see who he really is and the facade he presents to the other characters. Isaac's internal conversations and hallucinations are among my favorite parts of this game.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Black ops: Zombies

General Strategies
Killin' Zombies is all about saving up enough money to move on to the next area.  It's also about killin' zombies, but that's obvious.

Each kill on a Zombie gives you a certain amount of cashola, which you can then use to purchase and upgrade weapons, open doors, use mystery boxes, and so on.  Here's the breakdown of each kill:

Any Zombie- non-lethal hit:  10 Points
Any Zombie- lethal hit:  50-60 Points
Any Zombie- lethal headshot: 100 Points
Any Zombie- non-lethal melee: 10 Points
Any Zombie- lethal melee: 130 Points
Gas Zombie- same
Hellhound Hit- 10 Points
Hellhound Kill- 60-100 Points
Keep in mind that Zombies gain strength and health as you progress through rounds.  In the first few rounds, use melee as much as possible (especially when they are behind barriers).  Since they are weaker, gaining easy points this way is almost necessary.  Also, your pistol in the first few rounds isn't as useless as you think.  Aim for the head and get some points.  Remember, even non-lethal hits are worth 10 points.

YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED TO LEAVE TWO ZOMBIES ALIVE AT THE END OF EACH ROUND.  Why 2 you ask?  Well, because in this version of Nazi Zombies, the remaining Zombie goes berserk, coming at your like a Spider Monkey.  If you leave two alive, this won't happen.  Yeah that's right, I'm smart.  By leaving some alive at the end of the round, you give yourself a chance to repair all the barriers, reload your ammo, figure out a plan, and most likely not die in the coming wave.

Some people have noted that you can simply grenade the last zombie (it blows it's legs off, turning it into a crawler).  While I agree with this, it wastes a grenade and leaving two alive is a whole lot easier.  Either strategy works though!

The other little trick is to let them take down the barriers in the first few rounds.  Sounds stupid I know, but repairing barricades gives your points.  Here's the breakdown:

10 Points per board
60 Points for a complete repair
There's a cap on each round however:Round 1: 40 Points
Round 2: 90 Points
Round 3: 140 Points
Round 4: 140 Points
The weapons hanging around on the wall aren't going to be able to hold up long enough for you to survive longer than a dozen rounds or so.  I know it can be done, so don't comment about how cool you are for getting to round whatever without the Mystery Box.  For those of us out there who aren't completely badass, the Mystery Box is going to be your ticket to the higher rounds.

So remember to take advantage of this, as it adds up quickly!  Leave two Zombies alive!!!

PerksEvery map has Perks hidden within them.  You can buy them in vending machines, and they give you... well, Perks.  Simple enough I s'pose.

Quick Revive:

$500 Solo/$1500 Co-Op
In solo mode, when you get downed, you get revived (limit 3).
In Co-Op Mode, it allows you to revive a down partner a lot quicker than if you didn't have one.

It's a weapon upgrade.  Use it on a normal weapon and it morphs into a super awesome one!!! Ahhh!!!

You'll absolutely need this if you want to succeed solo (but come on, just get some friends already).  It lets you run past Zombies and still survive if you are hit a couple of times.  Something that won't happen without it.

Double Tap Root Beer
This speeds up your gun's rate of fire (the opposite effect of alcohol)

Speed Cola
After you turn the power on, head for this upgrade asap.  It reduces your reload time by half, and after the power is on, the zombies go

Mystery Box Weapons

You'll want to open up the Mystery Box in the later rounds.  Some people say somewhere near rounds 8 or 9, I say more like around 11 or 12.  Thing is, the Mystery Box packs some serious firepower, so when you have enough money saved up, don't be afraid to use it.  Just be aware you may end up with a piece of crap weapon!  Here's the complete list of weapons you can find in it:

 FN FAL Crossbow with explosive arrow RPK
 CZ75 Famas HS10
 Thunder Gun Dargunov Ray Gun
 Cymbal Monkey HK21 Freeze Ray (Five map)
 Spectre China Lake M72 LAW
 Python Galil AUG
 G11 Ballistic Knife
 SPAS Commando

Special Power-Ups (random drops)

During the game there will be instances where killing a Zombie will ellicit a random power-up drop.  These last for a short amount of time, and while you may be tempted to just use them all willy-nilly, there is a lot of strategy to some of these.  Also keep in mind that these power-ups can be stacked on top of one another.  My favorite one is definitely Double Points plus Instakill.

This one is easy enough.  It's a giant golden, floating bomb, and when you use it all zombies on the map explode.  This won't however end the round, unless all the zombies are readily available for ultimate death.  The best strategy I have found with this is to try to use it towards the end of the round, or at least when there are a lot of zombies around.  It will be tempting to grab it immediately, but take a step back and survey the landscape.  Nothing pisses me off more than when someone uses it when there is one freaking zombie on the map!

This one repairs all the barricades.  It's a giant floating, golden hammer.  While it does give you 200 points, it's a whole lot less than if you were to repair them all manually.  Nonetheless, this is a great power-up to use immediately, especially if you are under attack by a horde of flesh-eating freakbags.

If you see a golden skull in front of you, that's an Instakill.  When you use it, all zombies become one-hit kills.  Key strategy here is to pull out your knife or pistol, and go to town!  DO NOT WASTE YOUR MAIN WEAPONS AMMO when an Instakill is activated.  This is the perfect opportunity to get a grasp on the wave.

See that floating "X2" symbol?  No, that's not a reference to the second X-Men movie, it's a double points power-up, and it does just that.  In other words, a hit that usually gives you 10 points now gives you 20.  Easy enough right?  Such an amazing power-up due to the fact that your points accumulate so much faster, allowing you to open doors, purchase weapons, set traps, and whatever else you need money for a lot faster.

From what I have noticed, this is the most common power-up you will see.  When you activate it, your ammo will refill.  If you are all using a headset (which you should be), make sure to tell everyone to reload right before you pick this up.

One huge advantage to this power-up is that it refills your Mystery Box Weapons.  This is the only way to do this, making this power-up one of the most important ones.

This is only available in the "Five" map (although rumors claim it will be available on the DLC maps soon).  The Death Machine is a giant minigun you can use for a short period of time.  It's just a whole lot of badass.

Weapon NameChanged nameNotable Effects on WeaponNotes
M1911Mustang and SallySmaller Magazine, Dual Wield, Fires GrenadesThis is a good upgrade if you just respawned after dying. Useful for taking out crowds, however Splash Damage could hurt or even down the user, making Jugger-Nog recommended.
M14MnesiaDoubled Magazine, Higher DamageNot a good upgrade, even when upgraded it is ineffective against zombies in Later Rounds. However, is still effective up to around round 17. Speed Cola is recommended. Reference to the illness Amnesia.
OlympiaHadesHigher Power, Longer Range, Incendiary RoundsThe Upgraded version still faces the same magazine problems as the Normal Olympia. Speed Cola is recommended when using this weapon. Reference to the Greek God Hades.
AK-74uAK74fu2Special Precision Sight, Bigger Magazine, More DamageA worthy upgrade; The Precision Sight increases accuracy and the Gun has a Bigger Magazine. In l337, it means AK74 "Fuck you Too"
MP40The AfterburnerBigger Magazine, More DamageThe Upgraded Version has a very large magazine, making it a very good gun to upgrade.
StakeoutRaidBigger Magazine, Reloads 2 Shells at a time, Longer Range, Higher Damage with gripThe Upgraded Version decreases reload time and increases damage, making this a good weapon to upgrade. Double Tap is recommended, and so is Speed Cola as the reload time may still be fatal.
MPLMPL-LFBigger Magazine, Special Precision SightThe Increased Magazine solves the problem of the MPL's small magazine; however, there are easily better weapons to upgrade. Double Tap is not recommended as this will make the gun use up its ammo even faster.
MP5kMP115 KolliderBigger Magazine, More DamageSimilar to the MPL, there are better weapons to upgrade, however, this is still better than the MPL.
PM63Tokyo & RoseDual WieldThe Dual Wield attachment effectively doubles the magazine, and allows the player to fire 1 gun while reloading the other. The player may miss their ironsights', however.
M16SkullcrusherFully Automatic, Higher Damage, Grenade LauncherThis Skullcrusher could be considered as Combining an Automatic Assault Rifle Similar to the FAMAS with a China Lake. The Grenade Launcher is useful for taking out crowds or as a backup weapon in the event of the user running out of Ammo.
HK21H115 OscillatorBigger Magazine, More DamageThis LMG is an excellent weapon to upgrade, as the High Damage and Big Magazine of LMGs are often the reason why LMGs are favored by most players. Reference to the element 115. Speed Cola is recommended.
RPKR115 ResonatorBigger Magazine, More DamageSimilar to the HK21 / H115 Oscillator, this is an excellent weapon to upgrade, and it also references the element 115. Speed Cola is Recommended.
M72 LAWM72 Anarchy10 Round "Magazine" (Bigger "Magazine"), Semi-AutomaticEffective at taking out crowds, however should really only be used as a back-up weapon. Speed Cola is recommended. Possible reference to the fact that "Anarchy" is the opposite of "Law" and Order.
China LakeChina BeachBigger "Magazine" (5 Rounds), one reload refills the whole magazineThe China Lake is not the best weapon to upgrade. The M72 LAW / M72 Anarchy is better with a bigger "magazine" and rate of fire. Speed Cola is a must.
CZ75CalamityBigger Magazine, More Damage, AutomaticThis weapon becomes a bit like a Sub-Machine gun after upgrade, but it still has the problem of a small magazine.
CZ75 Dual WieldCalamity & JaneBigger Magazine, More Damage, AutomaticThis is probably better than the Normal CZ75 / Calamity in most player's views, by partially solving the small magazine problem.
PythonCobraBigger Magazine, More Damage, Speed ReloaderThe Cobra should only be used as a back-up weapon, similar to the .357 Magnum in WaW.
AUGAUG-50M3More Damage, Special Precision Sight, Undermounted ShotgunLike the M16 / Skullcrusher, the AUG-50M3 combines 2 weapons. This time, it combines a pump-action shotgun with a Assault Rifle with a Special Sight. The Weapon is "AUG-50M3, or AWESOME", according to the name. A good gun to upgrade.
FN FALEPC WNSpecial Precision Sight, Bigger Magazine, 3 Round Burst, More DamageThe EPC WN, or "EPIC WIN" is a okay upgrade, but fully automatic weapons should be upgraded instead.
FAMASG16-GL35Special Precision Sight, Bigger Magazine, More DamageThe Increase in Accuracy and Magazine Size makes this gun a worthy, but average upgrade.
Bigger Magazine,

Dual Mags,
More Damage
Another Average Upgrade.
G11G115 GeneratorBigger Magazine, More Damage, Fully AutomaticThis Weapon's considerably bigger magazine may make it more favorable to upgrade than other Assault Rifles. Reference to the element 115.
GalilLemantationSpecial Precision Sight, More DamageThe Special Precision Sight makes this a good weapon for Tactical Snipers. However, it may not be as effective against zombies as other guns, because it does not increase it's magazine size when upgraded.
1 Reload Refills the Whole Magazine, Doubled Magazine Size, Longer Range, Fully Automatic
The SPAZ-24 is a reference to the magazine size. A very good gun to upgrade, at is has a very fast reload time and very high power.
HS-10Typhoid & MaryDual Wield, Bigger MagazineIf the player does not have the SPAS, he/she may choose the HS-10 to upgrade instead as it has effectively a tripled magazine size.
DragunovD115 DisassemblerZoom In/Out Scope, More DamageThe Semi-Automatic nature of this gun make it better as a support weapon. Reference to element 115.
L96A1L115 IsolaterZoom In/Out Scope, Bigger Magazine, More DamageThe Bolt Action nature of this gun make it better as a support weapon. Reference to element 115.
Ray GunPorter's X2 Ray GunMore Damage, Bigger MagazineArguably one of the best guns to upgrade. It's already high damage is increased.
Ballistic KnifeThe Krause RefibrillatorFaster Melee Knifing, Glowing KnifeUseful if your teams is down a lot, as shooting a downed ally will heal them. Poor choice for combat, as damage is not notably increased.
Crossbow Explosive TipAwful LawtonZombies Run towards to Fired Bolts, acts like a Monkey BombThis weapon is very useful for distracting zombies. Also, unlike the Monkey bomb, it does not have a long "priming" time.
ThundergunZeus CannonDoubled Magazine, Can Kill More Zombies with One ShotAnother extremely good gun made better with the upgrade. Speed Cola is also recommended.
Winter's HowlWinter's FuryBigger Magazine, Longer Freeze TimeAllows freezing of zombies with one shot and freezes numerous zombies at once. Decent back-up weapon if used with Ray Gun/ Porter's. Speed Cola is recommended.

Fan Submissions

@teknos writes:
There is also a map in every room indicating the position of the random box (mystery box) in each room. Once you have the power on, the map will show you the room that the random box is currently in.

Also traps are very helpful when you have a mob following you. They look like red electrical boxes and are available after the power has been turned on. 

Kino der Toten

Thanks to @mikeyfezlord for adding the Mystery Box locations

The first goal you need to have while playing this map is to make it to the power switch.  If you can restore the power, you'll unlock the teleporter, the perk machines, the Mystery Box, a few traps, and ultimately allow yourself a lot more freedom of movement.

But how do I turn on the power?

Let me explain:  You first have to make it through the cinema to the backstage.  You can get to the backstage area by either taking the path to the right, or the path to the left.  If you decide to take the path to the left, you can pick up an AK74U, access a Mystery Box, and also buy the MPL.  The path to the right has the PM63, the MP40, and a Speed Cola.  You decide which way you'll go, the most important thing is to get to the power.

Once you get to the backstage of the Theater, the power is located on the southwest portion of this (by the M16).  You'll see the curtains on the stage raise, letting you know you have been successful.  Also, the front doors of the theater room open up, creating a full open loop of this level.

Important note:  It seems like turning on the power unlocks Gas Zombies... and these mother effer's aren't easy.  Be aware of this.

How do I turn the Teleporter on?You have to initiate the link in order to turn the Teleporter on.  This is found in the backstage area as well, near the power switch and M16.  Hold down the corresponding button until you hear a "click", then head back to the beginning of the level (the Lobby) to use the Teleporter.  You'll have to stand on that weird looking platform and interact with it again to make it fully turned on.  Once you do this, head back to the Theater Room to be transported to the projection room.

The Teleporter is on, but I'm confused...
The main use of the Teleporter is to transport you to the projection room.  You'll find the Pack-a-Punch upgrade kiosk in this room.  The most badass aspect of the projector room is the view of the zombies below.  You can just sit up there and pick them off one by one, while collecting grenades off the wall and upgrading your weapons.  Problem is, this only lasts for about 30 seconds.  Also important to note that any zombies in the Teleporter when you use it will die instantly.  Use it to your advantage!

What the hell is a Pack-a-Punch room?Good question Roger.  The Pack-a-Punch room is has a Pack-a-Punch Machine in it that upgrades your weapons.  There will also be ammunition and a few pick-ups you can grab.

When do the Hellhounds show up?They begin to show up after the 5th wave.  They seem to come back every 5th round, although we have seen them only four rounds away a few times.

Best advice here is to find a corner, strap on your Shotgun, and blast away at their heads. If you are playing with a buddy, try to huddle up in opposite corners, so that you can cover each other while you are reloading.

Fan Submissions
@tony writes:

a pretty fun thing to do turn on the auto turret in the theatre let it do some damage then teleport to the pack a punch room and ready a monkey bomb press and hold your throw button don't release until you are about to teleport out (it does it automatically after about 30 seconds ) and throw it out the window toward the stage when you arrive back at the lobby run to the theatre doors and turn on the electric barrier then take a jog back around the loop to the stage

Five (unlocked by beating the single player campaign)

This is the Zombie map that takes place in the Pentagon.  There are three floors to be explored, the briefing room (top floor), the war room (second floor), and the basement (obviously the bottom floor).

Much like Kino der Toten, there is a power switch that you are strongly advised to turn on. 

Where is the power switch in "Five"?

Calm down, I'm getting to that.  It's located on the basement level, and is a whole lot easier to get to than the one in Kino der Toten.  From the start of the level, open the door to the right ($750) then head to the elevator and go down ($250).  Once you're in the War Room (you start the level in the briefing room), find your way to the elevator by clearing the debris ($2000) and take the elevator down once again ($250).

We were able to unlock all of this by round 3 one time, but it's fairly easy and a lot more common by round 4.  When you turn the power on in this level, you unlock all the perk machines, unlock the ability to set the Def Con level in the war room, and also turn on all the Teleporters.

Once again, how do I turn on the Teleporters?

These teleporters aren't like the ones in Kino der Toten, and can be used as soon as they are activated via the power switch.

You mentioned the ability to set the Def Con level.  Is that like Def Jam?No.  Don't be an ass.  When you turn the power on you can go into the war room and set the Def Con level.  What this essentially means is that when you get it to Def Con Level 5, you unlock the Pack-a-Punch room.  In order to do this, you'll need to activate all four switches in the war room (3 of them are near the Jugger Nog, while the fourth is across the map from all of them).  Once they are all activated, all the Teleports will lead to the Pack-a-Punch room.

What the hell is a Pack-a-Punch room?Good question Roger.  The Pack-a-Punch room is has a Pack-a-Punch Machine in it that upgrades your weapons.  There will also be ammunition and a few pick-ups you can grab.

Who the hell is this scientist-looking douche that keeps stealing all my sh**?!Yeah, so he found you.  He's what the game calls the "Pentagon Tech", and his sole purpose is to steal all your weapons.  He shows up after you turn the power on.  Don't freak out though, because he can be killed (there's even an Achievement/Trophy for doing it).  Read carefully below for the best way to do this:
  1.  Keep in mind that the Pentagon Tech's hit points definitely increase as the rounds go on, and the more people you have in your party also means he has more health.  
  2. Claymores are your friend when trying to take this bastard down.  Place them in large groups in areas you know he is headed, as they will cause a ton of damage this way, while slowing him down.
  3. Rather than trying to reload, just keep two weapons fully stocked for when he comes after you.
  4. Just like every other enemy in any mode in any game ever, aim for his head.  It will take off a lot more damage.
  5. If he grabs your first weapon, chase him with your second.  Notice he is slowing down? That means he is injured.  Don't let up!
I had the MPL with the M16 as a backup weapon and was able to kill him in round six (with a buddy of course).  Regardless, this can be done.  Just load up on Claymores, have full ammo clips, and get ready to kick some ass!

What is that red trap piece piece?

It's the missing piece for the metal detectors in the first floor. The metal detectors or x ray machine turns into a trap. it cost 1,000 to turn on 

Fan Submissions
@Dobserver writes: 
rack up up as many points in the first few rounds. keep a "crawler" alive by blowing off his legs with a grenade. clear the debris by the elevator and go down to the war room. clear the debris to get to the lower level of the war room. unlock the elevator to go down to the basement. turn the power on and look for the mystery box in one of the rooms. look through the windows when you're looking for the mystery box so you won't waste money unlocking doors. go back up to the war room and hit the def con levers on the wall. hit all four to get to def con 5. kill the "crawler" before you hit the last lever then go through the teleporter in the center of the room. the teleporter will take you to a small room where all you have to do is cover 2 windows and the main entrance. 1 or 2 cover the windows, 2 or 3 cover the main entrance. the doors in the main entrance hall way will stay closed until the def con security resets. when it resets most of the zombies will come pouring in through the main entrance. spray them down and collect points. keep another "crawler" alive and go down to the basement to gather more weapons. go back up the war room and repeat the whole def con process again. see how many rounds you can go. I've done this for 15 rounds and it seems to work even better with good teammates. @chrisg2003by writes:

By the way, might want to add that the Pentagon Tech only turns up ONCE you turn the power on in "Five".

So by all means give yourself a few rounds without the power switched on, and i wouldnt switch on the power until your ready to pack-a-punch a weapon anyway. Because you wont really need the teleporters until that point.

Best technique on 5 is to sit in the downstairs lift with a friend, all the zombies (apart from 1 barricade) are in front of you. So pray for a heavy weapon out of the box and start shooting some zombie ass as they run like hell at you. Guess what, if its getting too much for you, hit the call button.. Up goes the lift, giving you time to reload and get ready to fight the horde when the lift reaches the top.

Other things i havent seen you mention are the power ups. Obviously insta-kill, the bomb and max ammo being obvious ones. But if you didnt get the upgrade for WaW then you wont know about the hammer or the sale powerups.

Quick thing on both. Sale reduces the cost of the mystery box down to 10POINTS A GO, it also spwans the box in all the available places. So when you get a sale. Run like hell to the nearest box and start spending!

Hammer. This seems obvious now and probably is to others, but i didnt know straight off. Hammer repairs all the entrances the zombies use. Grab a hammer powerup and it will give you a bit of a restbite while the zombies break through all the barriers again. It also gives you an extra load of points (200 or so) because all the windows have been repaired. 

Dead Ops Arcade (learn how to unlock by clicking here)
There's really not a whole lot to talk about when it comes to Dead Ops Arcade.  There are 40 levels, with special rounds every once in a while and a chance to choose your path every fourth level.

The best strategy here is to just keep moving.  Hold on to your bombs and speed boosts until you absolutely need them.

Other than that... I got nothin'.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Red Box now offers Video Games

Redbox, America's movie rental destination, today announced it will offer video game rentals at more than 21,000 redbox locations nationwide beginning June 17, 2011. Top video games will join new release movies for only $2 a day complementing $1 DVD and $1.50 Blu-ray™ daily rental prices. The announcement follows a test of video game rentals in select U.S. markets that began in August 2009. The only game that is available as of now is Duke Nukem : Forever.

Upon launch, redbox will feature games across the three major console platforms: PLAYSTATION® 3, Nintendo Wii™ and Xbox 360®. Video game titles will range from top releases to popular family and kids titles.

"Redbox will make discovering the latest games as easy as a trip to the local grocery, convenience or drug store," said Joel Resnik, vice president, games, redbox.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Hear the call of duty once again with this seventh      
entry in this blockbuster first-person shooter franchise.
Call of Duty: Black Ops takes you deep behind
enemy lines into the world of deniable operations
as a member of an elite special forces unit engaging
in covert warfare, classified operations, and explosive
conflicts across the globe. With access to a variety of
exclusive weaponry and equipment, your actions will tip
the balance during the most dangerous time period
mankind has ever known.
 Brought to you by Harmonix, the developers who created the world-wide blockbuster Rock Band™, Dance Central is the first immersive dance video game that features and tracks full-body dance moves. Completely free from any controller, every routine has authentic choreography for beginners and experts alike to master, alongside a killer soundtrack that spans today's current pop, hip-hop and R&B artists. Take it step-by-step with Break It Down or jump right in and start performing for your family and friends. Either way, you won't just learn dance moves, you'll own the dance floor!

The latest release in arguably the most successful tactical first-person shooter franchise of all-time, gameplay in Modern Warfare 2 follows the same winning and time-tested structure of earlier games in the series. In the single player campaign players are aided by AI squad members as they take on a series of missions aimed at eliminating Ultranationalist forces. Each mission is built around a particular objective, with players utilizing some level of guidance from NPC characters, including "Soap" MacTavish, and aided in navigation by the game's heads up display (HUD). Along the way players will be able to utilize a wide variety of weaponry and and vehicles, as well as be able to customize weapons with gadgets attached to them.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is an epic action game for Xbox 360 set across a blend of present and historical time periods, that places the player in the role of the leader of a Renaissance-era guild of assassins out for vengeance against the remnants of the Knights Templar. Set primarily in Rome, this sequel to the critically acclaimed Assassin's Creed II
features returning characters from the previous game and includes new features such as the ability to command members of your guild in combat, a new arsenal of weapons and multiplayer game support in which players can assume different assassin characters.

“Halo: Reach” tells the tragic and heroic story of Noble Team, a group of Spartans, who through great sacrifice and courage saved countless lives in the face of impossible odds. The planet Reach is humanity’s last line of defense between the encroaching Covenant and their ultimate goal, the destruction of Earth. If it falls, humanity will be perched on the brink of destruction.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Game Release 3/15/11

This month the game Homefront will be released. Homefront is a first-person shooter that challenges players to survive and impact a fictional future scenario in which America has been economically devastated and occupied by a foreign power. In the face of overwhelming oppression, you must choose whether to submit to military forces, take the fight to the enemy or even throw your lot in with the invaders. Additional features include: a single player campaign written by Hollywood screenwriter John Milius, online multiplayer support for up to 32 players, ground and vehicular combat, and more.

The year is 2027, and the world as we know it is unraveling after fifteen years of economic meltdown and widespread global conflict over dwindling natural resources. A once proud America has fallen, her infrastructure shattered and military in disarray. To make matters worse, crippled by a devastating EMP strike, the USA is powerless to resist the ever expanding occupation of a savage, nuclear armed Greater Korean Republic. Abandoned by her former allies, the United States is a bleak landscape of walled towns and abandoned suburbs. This is a police state where high school stadiums have become detention centers, and shopping malls shelter armored attack vehicles. A once-free people are now prisoners... or collaborators... or revolutionaries.

Join the Resistance, stand united and fight for freedom against an overwhelming military force in Homefront's gripping single player campaign penned by John Milius ("Apocalypse Now," "Red Dawn"). Stand alongside a cast of memorable characters as an emotional plot unfolds in this terrifyingly plausible near-future world. Experience visceral, cinematic first-person shooter action as you fight your way across occupied USA using guerrilla tactics, and commandeer military vehicles and advanced drone technology to defeat the enemy.